Saturday, January 1, 2011

Psalm 7

I love David, er, King David that is!  He went from a shepherd boy (youngest son and least loved of his father), to annointed King of Israel. However, he had to wait many years before he actually took the throne.  He was on the run for his life from King Saul (who was a little touched in the head).  God knew David's life history before any of it happened.  He know that while David was king, he would commit adultery, lie and murder - and still God called him a man after His own heart, and annointed him to be king.  WHAT!?!  That blow's my miund!!  God saw something in David; something special. 

Psalms, to me, are honest conversations with an Almighty God - that we get to evesdrop on.  The same is true for psalm 7.  David is basically saying "Daddy, these guys are pickin' on me...get'em!"  I believe with all my heart that God takes joy in our honesty.  Whether it be angry, worship, sadness, grief, love, honor...whatever - David wasn't afraid to express it. 

But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the very last line of the psalm.  Regardless of the outcome of anything in the previous 16 verse, the last one says it all: "I will thank the Lord because he is just; I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High." Whew!  David doesn't say "If God comes through for me, then I will..."  He says confidently and plainly: I will...
Almighty God,
Thank you for the life of King David - who I have found to be very much like me.  I want to be remembered not as a great teacher, student, friend, wife or mother, but as a woman after Your own heart.  I long for there to be a quiet grace within me that allows me to be a conduit for Your love. 

For so long, I didn't even know how to rebuild my relationship with you.  A friend said that I should just read Your word.  But even that seemed too confusing because I didn't know where, when or how to start.  Now, I understand that anywhere in Your word is sufficient if done with an open and willing heart.  Over the last few days, I can feel my heart bending toward you; longing to be with You, sing for You...worship you!  It's been so long since I've felt or even desired that!  It's not about religious's about the relationship.  Just like building friendships; the more time you spend with them, the better you get to know them - the same is true for you!  I've been a horrible friend...and I'm deeply sorry.  I have done to you what I feared would be done to me...I'd forgotten you. 

"I want to know You.  I want to hear Your voice.  I want to know you more!"  Thank you for this time.  Thank you for those you are placing in my care.  Give me the courage and knowledge to teach them confidence, and to lead them with humility.  Only you can teach me that.  I love you!  In Jesus' Name - AMEN!

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