Sunday, February 20, 2011

Butterflies on the Beach

I'm sure that most people, who have ever ventured to the beach, have noticed many shells along the shore.  I've never been one to 'collect' sea shells - at least not until yesterday.  I took the daughter of a friend of mine to the beach.  As we walked along the shore, waves chasing us up and down the coast, she began to notice a variety of intesting shells, full of character; full of stories yet to be told.  She began to show me with a smile, one after another.  Every so often, she would place one delicately in my hand and say, "Here, Ms. H - you can have this one." 

After a few moments, I found myself searching for interesting shells; sand-filled treasures, and came across a set of shells like the one pictured below.  I said to my young explorer, "Look, a butterfly."  She peered into
my hand, eyes smiling.  "Here, Maria, this one is for you." She turned it over and over in her hand.  She glanced at me, and I knew our mission was set: a search for "butterflies."  It took us a few minutes, but we found another, and another, and another. 

During our search, I learned a very valuable lesson.  My criteria for looking for butterflies were the lack of flaws; practically perfect in every way and brilliant in color.  Maria's criteria was much different.  In fact, I don't think she had any.  She was just so excited to find them, to discover each treasure.  One in particular she handed to me was a beautiful shade of lavendar on the top side, and a deep, royal purple on the underside.  However, the lower, right-hand portion of the "wing" was broken.  I contemplated tossing it aside, but she saw such, I held it. 

She didn't see imperfection, she only saw the beauty.  Oh, that I could hold fast to that lesson - one learned from a 10 year old little girl and butterflies on the beach.

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